California Life RP

Welcome to our GTA V Role-Playing Server!


This Reviews Roles And Rules of the server

President Defense Department FBI

President Role Responsibilities

President Jackson Keeton

The president head of both state and government of the United States and Commander In Chief Enforces and Executes laws passed on by congress.

The president has many abilities but so many that can make one overpowered.

The President can Make treaties with the approval of the Senate. Veto bills and sign bills.

The President is the United States representative to all other countries. The president Enforces the laws that congress passes.

The president takes on the role and rank of Commander In Chief during the era of war.

The president can deploy units where ever to their liking.

The president can grant pardons.

Nominate high officials.

Defense Department (FBI) Role Responsibilities

Director Snake

The director of the Federal Bureau Of Investigation is the head of the Bureau and is responsible for its day to day operations and procedures.

The Federal Bureau Of Investigation is responsible for things like Protecting the United States from terrorist attack to protecting civil rights.

The Director takes control of what happens and what doesn't.

The Director also can fire and hire employees.

The Federal Bureau Of Investigation is under the control of the Director.